Knock down barriers to healthy eating


healthy eating

You can’t go wrong when it comes to eating healthy. But if you’re having trouble sticking to a healthy diet, you’re not alone. Whether it’s cost, lack of time, get-togethers with friends, or larger portion sizes that trip you up-you can make healthy eating easier.

What is the healthiest way to eat?

Here are some strategies for making sure that what you eat is good for your body and your budget:

  • Know the difference between emotional eating and your body’s hunger signals. Keep healthy foods prepped and nearby so they are easy grab-and-go options when hunger strikes. And use smaller plates so they feel more manageable at mealtime.
  • Keep healthy ingredients like whole grains, fruits and vegetables ready to eat and within easy reach. Use a set of measuring cups or spoons to help you estimate serving sizes.
  • Avoid buying items that are very low-fat, sugar-free or claim to be buzz words like “all natural” since such labels can be misleading. Instead look at the list of ingredients, and limit foods with lots of added sugars, white flour or fat. Look for foods labeled “100% whole grain” since they contain all parts of the grain kernel.
  • Use smaller plates — they’ll feel more manageable. And use a set of measuring cups or spoons to help you estimate serving sizes. This will help keep portions in check and decrease your risk of overeating.
  • Keep whole-grain breads, cereals, pastas, rice and oatmeal on hand for meal planning. These foods provide lots of fiber, which can help fill you up without a lot of calories. Many are also fortified with vitamins and minerals to help support your health.
  • Breakfast is an important meal to include in your healthy eating plan since it can boost your metabolism and energy level throughout the day.

Don’t Know how to start eating healthy? Learn here How do you make healthy eating a habit?