North Caddo Medical Center Rating
13 reviews
3.1 Rating 3.1
13 reviews
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Emergency Services
  • Emergency Department
Need your medical records from North Caddo Medical Center?


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Emergency Service Available


Group Service


Hospital Type
  • Critical Access Hospitals
Control Type
  • Governmental Hospital District
Subprovider Units
  • Swing Beds
Total Staffed Beds 25

Licensed Beds 25

Bed Utilization


Total Discharges


Total Patient Days


Total Patient Revenue

$42,230,713 Rating 3.1
(13 reviews)

Makenzie Callaway

We come often because of my bfs Crohn’s disease and I honestly feel as though I know more than anyone here. The only reason we come here is because it’s the closest to home. All they do for pain is shoot him up with pain meds( which isn’t good for crohns and makes him sick afterwards, he literally was od’d for like 5 days afterwards last time) and the service is terrible in the main part of the hospital. He presses his call button about 5-10 times asking for help before he even gets seen. It’s ridiculous to see them just standing around when I go out myself to find his nurse. There are some great nurses, but just an overall terrible experience and hoping to find better help soon.

Stephanie Schultz

Took my chemically sensitive son there on Saturday night- after being exposed to the mosquito spray from the parish mosquito truck. Refused to draw blood and refused 2pam and a benzo to calm the organic matter in his brain- knew the violence would come. I have been dealing with this since his first exposure to carbon monoxide, natural gas and a meth lab gone wrong below us in our rental untit 3 years ago this june. The doctor tried to tell me that mosquito spray is not we walked out! I am my sons advocate- I am WELL rehearsed and KNOW my son is chemically sensitive to organic insecticides/pesticides...NO HELP and now he is in JAIL for the first time in his entire LIFE. HORRIBLE experience! Doctors out there- YOU NEED TO LISTEN!!!!! I am so tired of the bad treatment you give those seeking help!

Joanna Jones

Had a pretty big heart attack and Dr woods saved my life. I sure look at him differently now. Glad all people were in the place they were that night

Tommy Morris

They saved my wife life I'm greatful

Jeebus Wong

Went in for a terrible toothache in the middle of the night and all the doctor did was look at it, tell me to go to the dentist and write me a prescription for ibuprofen (which stopped working for pain yesterday) and antibiotics. No antibiotic shot, nothing for the pain, not even oragel. I feel like the doctor just assumed that I was an addict who couldn't take care of herself just because my teeth are bad. I have been in bed in pain so bad that I'm too weak and nauseous to stand for more than a moment, cursing myself for wasting my time at NCMC.