Permian Regional Medical Center Andrews County Ho Rating
17 reviews
3.1 Rating 3.1
17 reviews

About Permian Regional Medical Center

Permian Regional Medical Center in Andrews, TX is a general medical and surgical facility providing health care to the Permian Basin and Southeastern New Mexico. The center’s emergency department is designated as a Level IV Trauma Service Center featuring 7 beds and 1 Triage room. The family Birth Place is equipped with 4 labor, delivery, postpartum room.
Permian Regional Medical Center specializes in Emergency Medicine, Family Medicine, General Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Hospice, and Palliative Medicine.

To Get your medical records from Permian Regional Medical Center

We contact your healthcare providers on your behalf, just request your records from any healthcare provider in the US, using our convenient HIPAA compliant online process and we will provide you quickly and safely your Medical records at your earliest convenience.

Emergency Services
  • Emergency Department
  • Cardiac Rehab
Radiology / Nuclear Medicine / Imaging
  • Computed Tomography
  • Computed Tomography-Angiography
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Physical Therapy
Surgery Services
  • Inpatient Surgery
  • Obstetrics
  • Home Health
Emergency Service Available


Group Service


Hospital Type
  • Acute Care Hospitals
Control Type
  • Governmental
  • County
Subprovider Units
  • Swing Beds
Total Staffed Beds 30
Total Discharges


Total Patient Days


Total Patient Revenue


TPS Quality Score 86.67 Rating 3.1
(17 reviews)

Julie Hutson

This hospital fires seasoned, experienced nurses. If you are slated to deliver your baby at this hospital, please think carefully before you do. The young nurses who will care for you, while probably nice and sweet, lack experience and your care will suffer. The current nurses in labor and delivery are sneaky and conniving and create chaos-how could that possibly be good for moms and babies. Many of the current nurses lie and are dishonest. It starts at the top and someone is doing his job very poorly when dedicated, long-time nurses are being fired because of made-up allegations. This is shameful.

Nicolas Burns

They helped my family in a 5 person rollover from a drunk driver and healed a broken arm broken nose cut in the back of our head and major blood loss they are truly one of the best hospitals I’ve been to so whoever keeps saying bad stuff just be quiet

William Summerlin

$800 bucks for an ultrasound. Keep getting bills for one service from multiple places. I’ve gotten about 4 bills from different places for 1 urine test.Seems like if an employee just walks the cup down the hall we get a bill for it. Every time my wife Just visits this obgyn, it’s at least $500. Preforms procedures that are costly and unnecessary, without prior consent.This place is absurdly expensive. Bills are not itemized, literally just says you owe a certain amount with no description for what. Ran a bunch of blood tests last visit, in the tune of about $1000 dollars, never discusses any results with patients. Something needs to be done about upfront costs being set before procedures are done, not “guessing”. The health industry needs an overhaul badly. If I bought a car and was told one price, yet kept getting bills from everyone under the sun, and it ended up being double the cost, that wouldn’t be ok, would it? Yet somehow the health industry gets away with it everyday. Ridiculous. Will be settling up bills (until we receive yet another bill from someone else for a visit from months ago) and not returning.

Patricia White

PRMC has great employees

Brian Veach

You couldn't ask for a better equipped hospital in a small town. The nursing and support staff are amazing. The doctors that have a practice here are all very good. The ER doctors sometimes leave something to be desired but they do well enough for a small ER. The new building and facilities are amazing. We had our first baby there and the experience was amazing. We would highly recommend it.