  • Multi-Specialty
Practice Sizes
  • 1 - 100+ Physicians

PECSYS is a highly advanced Clinical Information System and Registry designed by the Aristos Group, Inc to help improve patient care. This electronic medical record (EMR) software integrates evidence-based guidelines and known best practices into all of its’ tools and features reflecting the latest science in caring for a patients.

Only PECSYS utilizes a patent pending single page encounter note, allowing the provider to quickly summarize any patient’s clinical information in seconds, delivering rapid, cost-effective care. PECSYS provides extensive reporting capabilities and will analyze the entire population or subgroups for proactive care.

PECSYS is available to all health care organizations who want to improve the care they provide to their patients. PECSYS supports the chronic care model (CCM) in the following ways:

  • Embeds evidence-based guidelines into daily clinical practice
  • Facilitates individual patient care planning
  • Shares information with patients and providers to coordinate care
  • Ensures regular follow-up by the care team
  • Provides timely reminders for providers and patients
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