
Practice Sizes
  • 1 - 100+ Physicians

MedicWare EMR Online is a subscription-based service

MedicWare will house and maintain MedicWare Electronic Medical Records software and database on our servers in our secure datacenter. You access MedicWare Medical Record Electronic Online from any location with complete security.

24/7 surveillance Separate videotaped security cameras cover every equipment aisle

Redundant Internet connection to the MedicWare ehr server

Redundant power distribution units

Battery backup for uninterrupted power supply provides emergency power in the event of temporary power loss

Diesel generator backup ensures MedicWare patients medical record software and database are available, even when power service is interrupted over long periods of time

Free Resource  Medical, EMR & EHR software Pricing Guide  ★★★★★  Don’t let price confusion keep you from selecting the best software! FREE Download

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