Kipu Systems Rating
8 reviews
3.9 Rating 3.9
8 reviews
Free Resource  Medical, EMR & EHR software Pricing Guide  ★★★★★  Don’t let price confusion keep you from selecting the best software! FREE Download Rating 3.9
(8 reviews)

Audrey Smith

I really appreciate how everyone I have dealt with has been extremely helpful - especially Robert. I can always get someone on the phone to help with whatever immediate need I have. It's great how customizeable everything is. I can't wait for them to roll out the new accounting feature - definitely needed!

Daniel Gemp

One of the few products in the addiction treatment industry that I’m comfortable endorsing on its own merits seeing it in action for hundreds of centers. There has been substantial thought, planning, use case analysis, and especially integrations with primary operating software platforms put in place to make Kipu’s platform effective not only for EMR, but an expanding suite of CRM functionality. All of the call tracking and form tracking used in our marketing campaign efforts integrate seamlessly and keep our clients happy and efficient.

Seth Fletcher

ANNOYED , OVERWHELMED! I receive loads of promotional mail from KIPU every-week, addressed to myself and to 4 other individuals that do not and have never worked for this company. Mail box is just jammed full at times, large envelopes , placards etc. I called and spoke directly to them that I was not interested and I would like to be taken off of their mailing slowed s=down but know once again full on mail assault addressed to me and the 4 fictional employees that do not exist. STOP SENDING ME THIS. I have called, I dont' know how else to be heard!

Nathan Cermelj

We have been with KIPU for just about 2 years now and have been thrilled with the entire company. I am writing specifically today to talk about Jesus who is a current member of the Kipu staff. Jesus is prompt, efficient and very professional. Sometimes I'm very hard to understand through email or even by phone when it comes to what I need but Jesus is always there putting together the pieces of what I'm looking for. He is a very skilled talent and KIPU is lucky to have him.

Tara Bethel

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