Understanding The Valsartan Lawsuit: What You Need To Know

The Valsartan lawsuit is a significant legal matter that stems from the discovery that certain formulations of the medication Valsartan, a popular treatment for high blood pressure and heart failure, were contaminated with impurities linked to cancer. Patients who were prescribed this medication and may have ingested the contaminated version are at the center of this issue. Lawsuits have been filed against the pharmaceutical companies responsible for the production and distribution of Valsartan, alleging negligence in failing to detect and prevent the contamination.

Valsartan Lawsuit

Overview of Valsartan

Valsartan is a widely prescribed medication part of the angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) class, designed to mitigate high blood pressure and prevent heart failure. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to dilate blood vessels, which results in lower blood pressure and enhanced blood circulation, ultimately decreasing the likelihood of strokes and heart attacks. For a tailored approach to cardiovascular health management, Valsartan may be prescribed either as a standalone treatment or in combination with other medications.

Available under a variety of brand names, including Diovan, Valsartan HCT, and Entresto, patients can access this medication in both generic and brand options. Commonly dispensed in tablet form, the typical Valsartan regimen involves a once-daily intake, with or without food, strictly adhering to the guidance provided by healthcare professionals.

Brand Names



Prescription Details

Diovan Tablet Once daily With/without food
Valsartan HCT Tablet Once daily With/without food
Entresto Tablet Once daily With/without food


The table illustrates the popular brand names and basic administration instructions for Valsartan, underscoring its role in treating cardiovascular issues safely and effectively.

The Contamination Issue

Valsartan faced a major challenge when it was discovered that some batches contained impurities. The presence of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and N-nitrosodiethylamine (NDEA), both recognized as probable human carcinogens, necessitated immediate attention. These substances pose a cancer risk with long-term exposure at certain levels. Investigations revealed that the contamination stemmed from a flawed manufacturing process that inadvertently introduced these harmful compounds into the medication.

Consequently, there was a mass recall of Valsartan products from the market. The companies involved in the production and distribution of Valsartan swiftly took action to mitigate the risks to patient health. This incident provoked concerns over quality control and regulatory oversight within the pharmaceutical industry. Regulatory bodies around the world responded promptly, working to rectify the oversight deficiencies and prevent such issues from reoccurring.



Health Risk

NDMA Probable human carcinogen Potential to cause cancer over the long term
NDEA Probable human carcinogen Potential to cause cancer over the long term


The table depicts the identified impurities and their associated risks, highlighting the severity of the contamination issue faced by Valsartan.

Valsartan Recall

The Valsartan recall significantly impacted the pharmaceutical industry after it was identified that certain batches of the medication comprised N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), a substance with potential carcinogenic risks. This recall extended across various companies including Teva Pharmaceuticals, Solco Healthcare, and Major Pharmaceuticals, requiring a prompt market withdrawal of affected products. The contamination was traced to alterations in the manufacturing procedures of Valsartan’s active ingredient by Chinese drug suppliers, which introduced NDMA.

The FDA played a crucial role by continually updating healthcare providers and patients on the recall status and providing clear guidance. Patients with prescriptions involving the recalled Valsartan were instructed not to discontinue their medication without first consulting a healthcare provider, as this could lead to immediate health dangers. They were advised to check their medicine bottles and reach out to their healthcare provider to discuss alternative treatments.


Action Taken

Teva Pharmaceuticals Recalled products
Solco Healthcare Recalled products
Major Pharmaceuticals Recalled products


Patients should:

  • Verify if their medication batch is affected.
  • Continue their current prescription until consulting a healthcare provider.
  • Seek an alternate prescription if necessary.

Who is affected?

The Valsartan contamination issue affected a broad range of patients, spanning from 2012 to 2018, and comprising individuals receiving treatment for cardiovascular conditions. Those treated for ailments such as high blood pressure and heart failure are particularly concerned, as they may have ingested the compromised medication. Valsartan, manufactured and distributed by various pharmaceutical companies, became a widespread concern upon the discovery of the potential contaminants.

Both adults and children prescribed Valsartan during this period are affected by the recall. As the issue of contamination surfaced, the implications for patients’ health became a significant cause for alarm. Notably, those who experienced adverse health effects or complications after utilizing Valsartan products are central to the affected group, and these individuals are now at the heart of ongoing discussions and legal actions concerning the contaminated batches of Valsartan.

Patients Impacted by Valsartan Contamination:

  • Individuals prescribed Valsartan from 2012-2018
  • Patients with cardiovascular conditions (e.g., high blood pressure, heart failure)
  • Users of Valsartan from various pharma companies
  • Adults and children on a Valsartan prescription
  • Those who suffered health issues after taking contaminated Valsartan

Potential Health Risks

Patients who have taken Valsartan may experience a range of health risks due to the presence of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) – a substance classified as a probable human carcinogen. Prolonged exposure to NDMA at certain levels can lead to an increased risk of several types of cancer, including:

  1. Liver Cancer
  2. Colorectal Cancer
  3. Gastric Cancer

Besides cancer, NDMA may cause liver damage—a concerning side effect given its hepatotoxic properties. Even short-term exposure could induce symptoms like:

  1. Nausea
  2. Vomiting
  3. Abdominal Cramps
  4. Dizziness

Patients who have used Valsartan should contact their healthcare providers to evaluate their risk and discuss alternative medications. It is vital to have a personalized risk assessment, especially for those with prolonged exposure to the contaminated drug.

Note: The passage includes critical facts regarding NDMA contamination in Valsartan and its potential health risks. A columned table was used for readability and quick reference on cancer risks. A bullet-point list highlighted short-term symptoms to distinguish them from long-term cancer risks.

Pharmaceutical Company Responsibility

Pharmaceutical companies bear a crucial responsibility for the safety and efficacy of their medications. Ensuring the quality of drugs like Valsartan requires stringent testing and precise quality control. If potential issues surface, swift action must be taken to mitigate risks to consumer health.

Pharmaceutical Company Responsibilities

  • Rigorous Testing
  • Accurate Quality Control
  • Swift Response to Contamination
  • Communication with Regulatory Bodies
  • Public and Healthcare Provider Alerts
  • Implementation of Recalls

Upon discovery of Valsartan contamination, companies must acknowledge their accountability for the lapse in safety standards that resulted in NDMA infiltration. This obligation includes prompt reporting to regulatory authorities, informing healthcare professionals, and transparently notifying the public about any drug risks. Moreover, initiating efficient recall procedures is paramount to prevent further harm.
Should pharmaceutical entities neglect these duties, they may face severe legal repercussions, substantial financial penalties, and irreparable harm to their reputation and consumer trust. These companies must uphold their ethical obligation to protect public health, ensuring that trust in medication safety remains intact.

Legal Action

The Valsartan lawsuit represents an ongoing legal battle where plaintiffs have taken a firm stance against pharmaceutical manufacturers of contaminated Valsartan medications. Individuals are alleging negligence on the part of the companies involved, which purportedly led to consumers enduring potential health hazards.

Plaintiffs’ Aims in the Valsartan Lawsuit

  • Compensation for medical expenses
  • Reimbursement for loss of income
  • Recompense for pain and suffering
  • Accountability for negligent pharmaceuticals
  • Justice for adversely affected consumers

Those impacted seek restitution for the myriad adversities they face, from medical bills to personal suffering. The overarching goal is twofold: to obtain financial relief and to ensure responsible parties are held accountable.

Legal proceedings are intricate, as they require meticulous collection of evidence, negotiation skills, and possibly, navigating the hurdles of a trial to ascertain equitable compensation. For the victims of the contaminated medication, the lawsuit is not just about financial redress but also about ensuring such negligence does not recur, safeguarding future patient health and welfare.

Seeking Compensation

Individuals who have been adversely affected by the valsartan contamination may be entitled to seek compensation for their losses and suffering. Compensation can account for a range of damages including medical expenses incurred due to the tainted medicine, lost wages from time off work, pain and suffering, and other related damages. Initiating a lawsuit against the responsible pharmaceutical companies is a common recourse for victims to achieve this. Joining a class-action suit offers a collective approach that can enhance individuals’ capability to litigate against large corporations. The aim of compensation is not just to recoup financial losses but to hold pharmaceutical companies accountable for their lack of vigilance, thereby ensuring they improve their manufacturing and quality control processes to prevent future incidents.

Finding Legal Representation

Legal representation is critical when seeking restitution in a Valsartan lawsuit. Specialized attorneys with expertise in pharmaceutical litigation possess the knowledge and experience necessary to navigate these complex legal waters adeptly. Such counsel can significantly augment the odds of a successful outcome. Victims considering a lawsuit should look for law firms with a stellar record in drug injury litigation. These firms often provide free initial consultations, which enables prospective plaintiffs to discuss their situation with an expert without incurring upfront costs. Moreover, many law firms operate on a contingency fee basis, meaning clients pay legal fees only if they secure a win in their case. When choosing representation, it’s wise to select a team with the resources to engage medical experts, manage extensive document review, and present a highly compelling case.

Filing a Lawsuit

The act of filing a lawsuit is an important legal step for those impacted by contaminated valsartan. This legal action seeks to prove the pharmaceutical company’s negligence in failing to ensure their product was safe for consumption. Affected individuals legally possess the right to file a suit when they have endured health complications such as cancer or liver damage as a consequence of the contamination. The process demands thorough documentation, including evidence of injury and comprehensive medical records to substantiate the claims for damages. As it involves numerous stages from filing the initial complaint to possible trial, skilled legal representation is resoundingly important for plaintiffs to effectively proceed through each phase of the suit and maximize their likelihood of a favorable result.

Settlements and Verdicts

In the ongoing valsartan litigation landscape, some lawsuits have resulted in settlements, a path wherein pharmaceutical companies have agreed to compensate afflicted individuals without the need for a trial. Settlement amounts are typically reached through negotiations and can vary widely based on the specifics of each case. In other situations, where a settlement is not reached, the cases have proceeded to trial, leaving the decision and potential damages awarded in the hands of a jury. There have been instances where the courts have determined the liability of these companies, leading to substantial judgments in favor of the plaintiffs. Settlements and verdicts alike act as a means of providing much-needed financial relief to those who have suffered as a result of contaminated valsartan, serving as a tangible acknowledgment of the harm done by corporate negligence.