W Palm Beach VA Medical Center

MedicalRecords.com Rating
288 reviews
MedicalRecords.com Rating 4.1
288 reviews

West Palm Beach VA Medical Center is a hospital located in West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. This is a Veteran’s Administration Hospital with an unknown TPS Quality Score. Please use our convenient HIPAA-compliant online process to request your medical records from any US healthcare provider (including the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center); we’ll quickly deliver your records at your earliest convenience.

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Hospital Type
  • veterans Administration Acute Care
MedicalRecords.com Rating 4.1
(288 reviews)

Sea Of Madness

Huge amazing hospital complex with multiple levels including an subterranean parking garage. Staff at all levels from bus driver to surgeons are super friendly and great at making patients comfortable. They have a cool area downstairs that's partly under construction but I'm confident will look even better after they finish. Hospital in general looks top notch. You wouldn't think this is a government run facility because it looks so nice and well maintained. They do a great job here!!!

Edgar Perez

World class service. Friendly staff, genuinely care about their patients. Every department I’ve dealt with is amazing. Thank you guys for restoring my faith in the VA.

Paul T

HUD-VASH program seriously needs to be retooled. Karen Abbot and her team spend their days writing emails, attending meetings and going to luncheons. The veteran is at the bottom of their list of priorities. It shouldn't take 4 months to get veterans into shelter. I have a nice apartment and everything I need and I did it all myself with ZERO assistance or resources from the VA. When I needed the assistance I couldn't get it, by time they got around to me I no longer qualified. There are vets who actually live under bridges or in a van down by the river and they don't have 4 months to wade through administrative and bureaucratic red-tape. Karen, get off of Facebook and stop checking Kayak for tickets to the next conference you'll be attending and get out in the streets and do some real work, that is if the thought of being amongst the working-poor doesn't make you feel light-headed.

Randy Bell

I’ve been receiving care at the West Palm Beach VA Medical Center since 2001 and have needed their services on many occasions. The facility is always clean and orderly, the Staff are always the friendliest people and the care and service have been exemplary.

Anthony McCullough

I went to the hospital for chest pains. 4 Hours later I was admitted to the psychiatric ward against my will. I was not treated for chest pains for 13 hours.