Benefits of EMR Infographic by Medefile


Digital Health Expert. Managing Editor and Founder,

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Federal EMR incentive payments are available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) for qualifying health care providers who install and achieve “meaningful use” of EMR systems. While a maximum of $21,250 of Medicaid EMR incentive payments are independent of EMR use, the bulk of payments under Medicaid and all payments under Medicare require “meaningful use” by an EP of an EMR system accredited by a proper certification authority. These regulations are designed to encourage widespread adoption of EMR technology and integration of these capabilities into the health care system. Rules under these two programs are the same. To find out more, view the following 2-Minute Guide on Meaningful Use.

Worried about achieving meaningful use of EMR and EHR? can help you find the best EMR for your practice, so you can get government incentive payments. Click here to get in contact with us.