Developmental Disabilities

Top of the page Developmental Disabilities Developmental disabilities are a group of problems that often include difficulty with physical, thinking and reasoning (intellectual), social, or psychological growth and development. Some early signs of developmental disabilities in children include: Crawling, sitting up, walking, and talking more slowly (or later) than other children of the same age. A variety of therapies are available to assist children in learning these skills.
Not functioning at the same level as other children of the same age in social behavior or thinking processes. It is important that a child’s thinking ability and social behavior be closely watched. Appropriate measures should be taken at school, at home, or in other situations to help a child reach his or her potential.
Current as of:
March 28, 2018Author:
Healthwise Staff Medical Review:
Adam Husney, MD – Family Medicine & Susan C. Kim, MD – Pediatrics & Kathleen Romito, MD – Family Medicine & Louis Pellegrino, MD – Developmental Pediatrics