Jackson Parish Hospital

MedicalRecords.com Rating
8 reviews
MedicalRecords.com Rating 3.2
8 reviews
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Emergency Services
  • Emergency Department
Need your medical records from Jackson Parish Hospital?


Complete a simple secure form


We contact healthcare providers on your behalf


Have a National Medical Records Center send your records as directed

Emergency Service Available


Group Service


Hospital Type
  • Critical Access Hospitals
  • critical Access
Control Type
  • Governmental Hospital District
Subprovider Units
  • Swing Beds
Total Staffed Beds 25

Licensed Beds 25

Bed Utilization


Total Discharges


Total Patient Days


Total Patient Revenue


MedicalRecords.com Rating 3.2
(8 reviews)

Tamara Tate

My 5 day stay at JPH was unexpected but it was worth it. Everyone was very professional from the ER to the 100 hall. Doctors, Nurses, Aides, Admissions Clerk(Shannon Lewis) Housekeeping, Kitchen staff(especially the cooks, the food was wonderful) I would like to thank each and every one of you for taking special care of this ol gal. THANK Y’ALL!!!!

james bryant

I went in with chest pains and they treated for dehydration after taking xrays for sinus infection. And dr told me to go see another dr for the chest pains. One time b4 i went for kidney stone and i was over charged from weird drs and scams when i got a bill from a gynecologist. They said that any dr would just walk by and sign my chart so i would get a bill from that dr. What a scam

Angela Kujawa

I had rather. Go to a veterinarian than go to this hospital....

Kassidy Savell

Have no idea what they are doing!

Heaven Morgan