Just because it has one star; doesn’t mean they deserve it, because they don’t! I came in today because i have been feeling sickly as in nausea, hot flashes, light headed ness, overly exhausted and achy with minor cramping.
I arrived in the emergency department around 12:04 and got back in room number 2 at 12:05.
pretty quickly. They had me get into a gown and two nurses came in separately and asked me what was going on besides the lady at the front. so i had repeated myself numerous times during my visit. I told the on call doctor what was going on and she ordered a pregnancy test, blood test and then it confirmed that i was pregnant so she ordered an ultrasound to make sure i didn’t have a tubal pregnancy and as the ultrasound tech came and got me; she asked me what i was getting an ultrasound for... i just looked at her dumbfounded because it should have been in the notes on why i needed it.
the doctor came back and she told me there was nothing in my uterus and that i was too early to see baby on ultrasound but everything looked normal, she said follow up with your family doctor for a blood test to check your hormone level; and i told her i did not have medical insurance at the moment and she told me to go to the women’s center and i told her they don’t draw blood for pregnancy hormone testing and she said well then i would wait for awhile then go get your blood drawn when you do get medical insurance!! like really!?? wow.
when registration came in about 1:30 she asked me for my insurance cards and i told her i didn’t have one and she said that she would corrospomd with the case manager for financial aid and they never came to see me.
also i have really bad asthma and i asked the doctor for a breathing treatment because i could hardly catch my breath two hours ago; and i have been here since 12:05pm and it is now 3:22 pm and still nobody from respitory has came back, but the doctor said she was going to get the financial aid;
she said i was discharged i’m just waiting on the lady for the financial aid.
also registration said my address was listed as a “ bad address “ even though i have the girl at the front desk my license with my correct address on it. she refused to make a copy of my license and said she didn’t need it & said she would just write it down.
i hadn’t had anything to eat all day and i kept telling them that and they also didn’t offer me any crackers even though i was okay through the doctor to get some, and knowing i’m pregnant they didn’t even offer me to have anything or anything to drink.
this hospital is worthless but this was an emergency type situation and something needed done asap; and this was the closest one i was to at this time. UNFORTUNATELY!!
not recommended at all!
the staff has attitudes and they laugh at people and they make people feel unwelcome and like trash.
it is now 3:30 pm and still nobody has came back at all!