I don't like to leave negative reviews but I have to tell the truth. I was very disappointed with the entire process of my breast reduction surgery at this facility. To start, I did my pre-op labs, pre surgery registration, and surgery here. When I go for my pre op labs the registration representative asked if I wanted to do my pre surgery registration (at the same time) so I don't have to do it on my surgery day. I say yes that'd be great because I'm scheduled to be here at 530am on my surgery day- the less I have to do that morning the better. So we go through the entire process, she tells me I'm all set and for my surgery day I'll just check in and wait to be called back for surgery triage.
On surgery morning I find out she didn't enter any of my pre surgery registration so we had to go through that process and I was advised to pay a $290 surgery co pay! Now my insurance company didn't mention this and neither did the pre registration clerk so I am shocked and appalled but to tired to argue and they wouldn't perform the surgery without it so I pay and go back to surgery triage. A very sweet lady walked me back to a triage room and advised to put on the hospital shirt and here I waited over 30 minutes for a nurse to even acknowledge I was waiting there- in a cold room no less.
Once the nurse finally came in she did apologize and asked if I wanted a warm blanket. Another nurse came in and advised she'd be doing my IV. Now I've had IV's a few times in the hospital but never one that hurt this bad and the nurses reply was that's going to leave a bruise and simply walked out (one week later my arm is still black/blue). At least the first nurse asked if I wanted a warm compress on it to help with the pain. The anesthesiologist comes in after and is very thorough and professional.
Once I make it out of surgery (woke up 15-20 mins after surgery) a different nurse was treating me and was very sweet and professional. After I waited awhile for a volunteer to come get me and move me to post op triage the receiving nurse was nice but there was some confusion about my take home prescriptions and more waiting to get that straightened out. We finally leave around 1:50pm with two filled prescriptions in hand only to get home and I begin feeling very nauseous after taking my assigned meds. FIVE hours later the hospital calls and says there was one more prescription found in the outpatient surgery box for nausea for you, we can call it in-Ugh. Three days after my surgery the hospital calls asking how everything went with surgery and my care at the hospital. I explain everything and he says I'm sorry you experienced all of that and that's it. So needless to say, I won't be scheduling a surgery at Virginia Beach General Hospital and do not recommend this facility.