On the afternoon of July 27th, I came in as an emergency with a possible spine injury, an accident resulting from Smokey Falls/Shotgun Eddy river rafting. I could barely move from the car, but the kind security officer assisted me with a wheelchair. I was in excruciating pain and could not keep my head up. After I provided my name to the receptionist, she rudely told me wait in the lobby. I told her I didn’t think I could wait as I was in so much pain. She sarcastically told me there were people ahead of me. My son had to hold my neck in place as I cried in the waiting room. After what seemed like forever, the same security officer saw how I was suffering and took it upon himself to get a nurse from the back. I wish I knew this officer’s name because I would profusely thank him!! Once in the back, I was told to move from chair to bed. I don’t think the staff took me seriously and I felt like they thought I was over reacting. They wheeled me to CT, where I was told to get up and move to a CT table and lay flat. No spinal board or neck collar was put on me. I was shaking from pain. After CT, I was asked once more to move back to the bed. Within a few minutes, the doctor shared the bad news that my neck was broken in two places. This is when I truly started getting the care I should have gotten when I first entered this facility. Lucky for me, I did not endure any other injuries when they were carelessly coercing me to move around without any kind of assistance or support. Shortly after the diagnosis, I was ambulanced to Neenah, where I underwent emergency surgery. The two ambulance paramedics were empathetic, awesome and had a sense a humor, which I really needed. They made the hour and half ride very smooth!!
The reason I am sharing this story is to give feedback on this medical center’s shortcomings and hope they improve in the areas where it’s needed the most!
I am thankful for the security officer who truly recognized this situation as an emergency!!