Slidell Memorial Hospital demonstratively has incredibly LOW STANDARDS of cleanliness and sanitation. The obvious neglect and lack of standard housekeeping, along with the absence of routine maintenance, such as painting, replacing broken light fixtures, etc., has apparently created unsafe conditions for patients.
This hospital’s administration is obviously neglectful of the physical facilities, possibly to the point of libelous. Patient’s and visitor’s health and safety appear compromised due to dirty/unsanitary facilities, with peeling paint (above patient bed), rusted/corroded fixtures, broken florescent light fixtures (bulbs exposed), human hair hanging on fire suppression sprinkler head (above patient bed), discolored/corroded mirror, and broken floor tiles.
As if that were not enough to make you sick, three, yes three different hospital staff doctors came into the room at different times, and all recounted a completely different diagnosis. On one occasion, their staff tried to administer an ultrasound on the wrong patient, and had to be set straight by the patient. Then there was the doctor telling the patient he was concerned about the medications the patient was taking, even though the patient had explicitly told the ER Nurse that they DID NOT take that specific medication. The cherry on top was a pair of USED rubber gloves left on the end table, next to the patient bed, left there all day.
Anyone entering the hospital, mostly those visiting patients in rooms, are greeted by gauntlet of smokers, lined up on both sides of the walkway, directly in front of the entrance (within several feet of the doors).
Although there are clearly marked signs, saying “SMOKING ON SMH PROPERTY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED”, and security was present in the parking lot, nothing was done about the smoking. The security guard merely sat in their “Security” vehicle, with the AC on, in clear sight of the smokers, and did nothing. Just look at the pictures of cigarette butts next to the no smoking sign, and you will understand the contradiction. Of course, the cigarette butts only added to the amount of other trash, liter, and debris surrounding dirty glass door entrance.
But don’t take my word for it, look at the photos, they speak volumes. The question I have for this hospital’s administration, and board of directors, is simply this, how in hell do you pass the JCACH accreditation inspections, or did you?