Wish I could rate this 0 stars, for the Family Treatment Center by which the name I find a total lie, this center is a psychiatric unit and isn’t what it sounds like AT ALL! I was a patient here myself and my experience was absolutely horrible. My first night was not comforting at all I was shivering the whole night! Their cheap thin blankets barely help! It is way too damn cold there even 2 out of 4 showers don’t have hot water so my first shower was veryy cold! This place has locks on every door and it is very irritating to wait for staff to come and open your bathroom door or room door! They do not have the right assistance for older teens I felt like I was in Kindergarten there because all I did was color, read books, and play board games. It was the same cycle everyday to, wake up in the cold room, brush my teeth do my hygiene then get my vitals checked by a new person everyday, wait for everyone to be ready, eat breakfast then do a group session then go to the small courtyard where all you can do is play basketball and sit and look around, do another group session then have lunch and then have a phone call and then go to our cold rooms then another group session and break and then showers, then wait for everyone to be ready (and keep in mind there’s like 18 people who stay here and only 4 showers and 2 of them most people don’t use because it’s cold water), then eat dinner and then have another group session and break and then bed time. It was absolutely boring and insane and what I did mostly was sleep to keep myself from going crazy. My whole stay here felt completely ISOLATING and DEGRADING, do something about this! DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE STAFF! They are absolutely TERRIBLE people! They have no empathy for the patients and yell at them instead of calming them or talking to them when they do something wrong! OH MY GOD and they have nick names for the kids! They call the youngest kid in there “Little man” because he’s short and acts up and has anger issues, which is absolutely absurd! You guys are ADULTS and should know better and you’re the main ones who preach about not bullying other people like cmon the ABSOLUTE ABSURDITY IN THE AUDACITY OF THE IGNORANCE! How IRONIC! You people need to change this RIGHT NOW! I demand better treatment for every patient no matter what because they are dealing with issues personally! You signed up for this job to help kids not degrade them! DO BETTER! And QUEENS YOU BETTER BE CHECKING ON THIS CENTER TO! THESE KIDS DESERVE BETTER!!!