I’ve delivered both of my kids here. Both experiences were eventful but a year ago when I had my son I knew I could count on this hospital. My husband had moved for work only a month and a half before I was due and my son decided to come early. I was taken right up to a delivery room but they wanted to send me home because I wasn’t dilating. They said to rest for an hour and if nothing changed then I could go home. When the nurses came back I was very ready and they rushed to get me an epidural. It took two tries but the staff was very accommodating. Eventually the nurses had heard that I was there alone because my husbands flight wasn’t to arrive until morning. They came in and each took a roll, one nurse took my phone for pictures, one took my iPad to FaceTime my husband, one to hold my hand during delivery, and the rest of the staff took their rolls in delivering my son. After another hour of rest something felt weird and the nurse came in to check on me. The sac was already working its way out with my son inside . So instead of getting the doctor on call to come in, they called my OB and she was at the hospital in the dead of night to delivery my second child. Everyone was so supportive and helpful and I can really never thank them enough for being there for me when I was alone. My stay was comfortable and the room was so clean. Everyone that checked on my son and I was so courteous and helpful. Especially before my husband got there. It will have been a year on July 9th so I just wanted to say thank you all for being the best you could be in your profession. Any mom would be lucky to go to this hospital and bring life into this world surrounded by these people.