Absolutely good and very bad all at the same time, I was there on vacation, and became ill due to the dry air quality, and i suffered from an very bad sinus infection. I am a veteran and was hoping to go to the VA clinic, but as luck would have it, it was Saturday and they were closed. I went to the clinic and there was no one there I was in and out in about 25 mins. The nursing staff and doctors were very friendly, professional and helpful. No complaint there, however when i went to leave I was charged 143.65 which I thought was a little steep especially since I had no tests run, the doctor listen to my chest looked in my ears, nose and throat, gave me a prescription, and I was on my way. But what do you do? You'e on vacation and want to fell better, so I paid it gladly. Then about a week later I receive another bill in the mail for 76.35.... for what, i asked, so i called the billing office and was told it was because of supply and demand, really???? and I was charged a NEW patient charge because there was more paperwork, again Really????they took my name dob address phone ssn and I signed a HIPPA form no health history or anything, So again what do you do, I paid the bill under much protest but did not want my good credit tarnished due to this, They have you over a barrel, It's a shame that veterans are treated like this or anyone for that matter, those who can pay get penalized for the ones who won't. NO visit to a clinic should cost 220.00 NO MATTER WHAT especially when NO TESTS WERE PREFORMED!!!! SHAME SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!