Quick Facts
About CLIN1 EHR Software
CLIN1 has developed software documentation tools to meet the needs of all your providers. This electronic health record (EHR) software will help you clinical staff see immediate benefits with our software in patient charting, respiratory therapy, physician orders, QA, infection control, charging.
With CLIN1 OP EHR software, you’ll have the ability for complete electronic charting. We can help increase revenue by helping prevent dropped or missed charges. We can also help track supplies used within your practice and integrate with materials management if necessary.
Additionally, with CLIN1 OP EHR software, staff will be able to increase the time available to provide patient care. Nurses will have available discharge instruction information and handouts, handouts for preventive care (smoking, diabetic, hypertension, etc). We specialize in small to medium sized facilities and try to make sure our pricing and payment options match our clients needs. We offer lease, purchase and hosted configurations to suit every need.