Quick Facts
About DoctorsPartner EMR Systems
DoctorsPartner creates various EMR systems that are packed with high value features that can help improve your practice and your day to day operations significantly. The ease of use and the flexibility of the software allows you to rapidly reap the benefits of streamlined operations.
There are situations, especially in unique group practices, where we recognize that no solution will work out of the box. For these special situations, we have introduced the Custom Build option. We will start with our DoctorsPartner product as a baseline, and add or edit it to build a custom Electronic Medical Records system for you that does exactly what you are looking for. Our built in flexible workflow allows us to add custom screens to the install quickly.
DoctorsPartner also creates solutions and provides services for these types of practices:
- Small Size Practice
- Medium Size Practice
- Correctional EMR
- IPA Model
- Hospitalist Model
- Specialist EMR Modules