What is Drs Enterprise?
Drs Enterprise is a hybrid EHR solution that features full Meaningful Use and can be used by practices of all sizes. It is primarily designed to be used in orthopedics, sports medicine, ob/gyn and ophthalmology. The system is HIPAA compliant and features security measures and audit trails.
Drs Enterprise is a customizable solution featuring folders, categories and other preferences that can be determined by the user. Multiple types of documents can be stored within Drs Enterprise including Word Documents, images, PDF files, and more.
Drs Enterprise also features a forms processing module that can automatically fill in information for commonly used forms, including Medicaid forms and forms for hospitals.
The system is fully ARRA 2014 certified, and meets all certification requirements for Meaningful Use.
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About Drs Enterprise
Electronic health records are fast becoming essential in the modern medical office. With the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) signed on February 17, 2009; Title XIII of ARRA, entitled Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) President Barack Obama allocated $19.2 Billion toward the development of healthcare IT. This act seeks to boost the flow of information throughout the healthcare systems in the U.S. by incentivizing the implementation of EHRs and the meaningful use of them. With various provisions and regulations, the Act provides assistance, tools, and resources to providers to allow for implementation and utilization of electronic health records.